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  • Writer's pictureBrigid Levi

Music From Your Heart: Victory

He has risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia! On Sunday, we celebrated Jesus's triumphant victory over the grave. So, what could be more appropriate than a blog post about this month's victory-themed playlist? Keep reading to hear my thoughts on how we can rely on our faith to lead us to victories both big and small.

victory graphic

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Faith is the Victory That Overcomes the World

Life is hard. Sometimes, being a Catholic is harder. The world can put us in the difficult position of always having to prove ourselves. I've been put on the spot more times than I can count when people ask me questions like, "If God's so great, why are there wars/poor people/disasters?" Because, apparently, being Catholic means I know everything there is to know about God and why He does what He does.

I know this is an opportunity to enlighten, but sometimes, it just makes me feel very small. But, as the famous mustard seed parable teaches us, faith can move mountains. Just by having faith, we are ahead of the game. And by our faithful actions, we can be victorious.

faith can move mountains

A Eucharistic Victory

I had my own personal victory on Good Friday. It had been over a year since I received Holy Communion. At first, my church was closed. Then, I found out I was pregnant and chose not to go in person. After getting my first COVID vaccine and finally giving birth, I felt comfortable enough with the idea of receiving the Eucharist. And it just so happened to be at my church's Good Friday service.

It was profound. I had missed the Eucharist so much that I wept after receiving it. Even though the communion of Mass and the reception of sacraments was taken from me for a time, my faith was never shaken. I knew one day I'd be able to go back - when I felt safe. I knew God would tell me directly when that time would be. My faith got me through and rewarded me with Jesus's precious body and blood. If that isn't a win, then I don't know what is!

Celebrate All Victories

It's important to remember not all victories look like Jesus's resurrection. Well, no other victory looks like that, but my point is victories come in all shapes and sizes. We should celebrate them all, regardless of how small they seem. As Vincent van Gogh said, "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." In other words, the small battles we win add up. Some days all we'll have are the small victories, and if we don't start noticing and being greatful for them, it'll be a long road to the next big victory because those don't happen often.

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." ~ Vincent van Gogh

If your child eats their broccoli at dinner without protest....celebrate! If you finally exercised after putting it off for the thousandth time...celebrate! I'm celebrating the completion of this blog post after trying to write it for three days. #momlife Celebrating the small wins also gives us something positive to look forward to each day. It's amazing what happens when you're actively searching for it.

The Playlist

victory playlist graphic

My hope with this playlist is that it gives you inspiration for those times when it's hard to find the small victories. If we can remember what Jesus gave up for us, how he conquered death, then surely, we can accomplish anything. After all, nothing we tackle will ever be as great as what Jesus did for us. His is the ultimate victory, and our faith in Him will lead us to our own.

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